Sunday, January 24, 2010

lucky again

yes, we made it and are on board already. check in was smooth as can be. seems, the canadian slalom team checked in before us, so the girls at the counter were maybe reliefed to see our 'small' luggage.

no extra costs an excellent seating (at least for the first flight to toronto). christian surely would deserve a solid beating, for asking, wether the (massively overweight) boardbags would still have to be scaled or not. thanks for the shocker, dummy! :D

had some final european breaky (for ridiculous 25 bucks) and are now off to toronto, where we gonna meet stephan 'mulimu' maurer...


basti said...

wo geht's nach toronto denn hin? "powderboard-test" schließt quebec momentan ja fast von selbst aus...

fischi said...

sind erstmal whistler bei der fabia... hier hats (zumindest aufm berg) ziemlich viel schnee, timing ist glaub ich gut :)
bin grad am boards schrauben, in ner stunde gehts los, bin schon ziemlich gespannt!
gruss fischi

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