Monday, July 13, 2009

finally switching to summer mode...

YES! it's done... pleasure season 08/09 is finished, so is the first issue. well, to be exact the final finish is still to be done and some texts are still missing, but my part is over for now and it's time for heidi and myself to go back to our second home tomorrow: karpathos!

as we already have all our windsurf gear waiting down in karpathos it seems quite easy going, but its always a hassle nevertheless to reduce the weight of each bag to the allowed 30k's. furthermore, we wanted to bring heidi's brand new freestyle-wave board with us which should turn out to be quite a hassle.
the story behind this is, that airberlin (the only airline going directly from MUC to karpathos) does only take two (windsurf) boardbags per flight and (as you can imagine for a destination like karpathos) these two spots are taken within minutes after they publish the flight plan for the season.

all attempts to book the board transport failed, so the only option was to give it a last try at the late night check-in already today. if that wouldn't work i'd have to take the boardbag to vienna, from where our friend harald could take it on his flight (AUSTRIAN is acting like an airline, not like AB wussies...).
so i was prepared for a discussion upon life and death when i entered the terminal building. to cut the long story short they ended up taking the boardbag anyway and (whats even funnier) without any charges. turned out that the 'service card' i had hoped to get the transport dialed with and that i had cancelled as a pre booking did not work out, was still in their system and so was the door opener for the unbelievable... hehehe...

more to come the next couple of days with lots of shots fo sho!


Andreas Halser said...

gute reise und nen schönen sommer!!!

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