Friday, May 7, 2010

item of the month...

yeah, i decided to post my personal 'item of the month' here... starting off with a new gadget for my lumix GF-1... i just love this camera with its 4/3 interchangeable lens system... the small 20mm kit lens with its 1.7 aperture is already pretty sick, yet i was searching for a possiblilty to use the canon EF lenses of my big cameras.

(the-all-new 4/3 to canon EF adapter ring)

found this small adapter-ring on the internet. now i can use all the 'big' lenses on my lumix. focus only works manually and due to the lack of aperture adjustments on the lenses, it only works with fully open aperture. still, its amazing, what effects are possible with the use of that small piece of metal. imagine the 300mm tele lens (which is a 600 due to the 2.0 crop factor of the lumix) or a 80mm tilt/shift... or the huge 85mm/1.2 (see the mounted lens left)... endless possibilities... besides i can now just take the GF1 and some lenses with me when i'm not shooting snowboarding or when i don't need the high speed of the EOS bodies. perfect for holiday trips or just random shots...

(some examples shot with the tilt shift and the 300mm tele lens)


Anonymous said...

And what about the focus to infinity?

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